IBUKIの「ExMyself-European Special Edition」の詳細を発表!
限定ボーナストラックを収録した、IBUKIのヨーロッパSpecial Editionがついに完成!
ボーナストラックのタイトルは「Door to the New World」。
このアルバムは、私たち(Setsuzoku Records) の期待をはるかに超えた、高くそびえ立つメタル・アンセムとなっている。
Setsuzoku Records 第1弾リリースのためだけに制作・録音されたボーナストラックには、彼女の熱意のすべて込められている。
新しいテーマに合わせた、オリジナルの写真を使ったジャケットは、IBUKIのビジュアルを視覚的に「新たな世界=New World」にもたらす。
「ExMyself-European Special Edition」は、CDだけでなく、限定版のBLUE vinyl(アナログ盤)でも発売される。
IBUKI-「ExMyself-EuropeanSpecial Edition」は、CD(及びLP)のみで入手可能で、2021年1月29日に発売予定。
We are excited to announce some of the details for IBUKI’s ‘ExMyself – European Special Edition,’ the first release for Setsuzoku Records!
The exclusive bonus track has been completed! The title is “Door to the New World” and it is a soaring metal anthem that far exceeded our expecations. IBUKI is ready to conquor new territory and all of her enthusiasm is on display on this new track, written and recorded exclusively for this first Setsuzoku Records release.
An updated cover to match a brand new booklet and new theme will also grace the release! The new booklet will include the lyrics in the original Japanese as well as romaji. The new theme is a fresh take using the original photography visually bringing IBUKI into a ‘new world.’
We are also excited to reveal that ‘ExMyself – European Special Edition’ will be available on not only CD, but also on limited edition BLUE vinyl!
This collector’s edition LP will only be printed for a short run and will become an instant must-have item for J-metal fans.
IBUKI – ‘ExMyself – European Special Edition’ will be available exclusively in physical formats and is out 29 January 2021.*
*vinyl release may experience slight delays due to current restrictions in place in the UK at the time of production (Dec 2020). Updates will be announced when available.